Monday, 27 February 2012

Appeal for extensions to house

Planning permission was refused for a modern extension to the rear of, and basement beneath, a locally listed building in a Wimbledon conservation area. We submitted an appeal on behalf of the householder, to demonstrate the design of the modern extension would be a suitable addition to the house and the area. We also had to show there was no harm to protected trees and the basement could be safely constructed, and coordinated professional evidence on those matters. The appeal was allowed.

Client: Private householder

Friday, 24 February 2012

Theatre School

Planning permission has been granted for the change of use of an office building to a school. Corona Theatre School is a long-established performing arts school who needed to find new premises urgently due to an end on their lease in their previous premises.

Their desired new building fell into the restrictive policies of LB Richmond. We coordinated the professional team to provide evidence on employment policy, traffic and parking issues, and the suitability of the premises as a school. Detailed discussions were held with Officers at the Council and the application recommended for approval to Committee, despite a recognition that the scheme was not entirely consistent with the Council's policies. The application was approved unanimously.

Client: Corona Theatre School